CSR with T-Works

Collaborate and Create

Partner with T-Works to drive positive change.

Together, we can create innovative solutions to address pressing societal challenges.

From disaster relief to sustainability, our collaborative approach empowers organisations to make a meaningful impact and contribute to a better future.

T-Works qualifies for CSR investments as a government-funded incubator and research centre in engineering and technology under schedule VII, item ix(a) of The Companies Act, 2013.

Support Our


  • Product Funding

    Support hardware solutions and product development programs for critical social challenges.

  • Product Development Accelerators

    Contribute to sector-specific programs where your CSR funds will be provided as grants for Individuals and Startups.

  • Programs

    Provide quality education by training students and youth to become ready for the innovation era.



Partner with T-Works


At T-Works, our mission is to forge innovative collaborations that empower creativity and shape the future.

Through strategic partnerships, we build, prototype, and inspire, transforming ideas into reality together.

Join us in this journey of collective success.

Fill the form or reach out to us directly at:

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